2024 Season

Welcome to the 2024 Season of the DEIN Talks.

Running from March-August, the DEI+N talks is in it's third year. Have you seen any past episodes? I am declaring this will be the best year yet! Standing for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Neurodiversity requires we shift our thinking, our doing and our making.

RSVP for the Last Show of the Season:

August 24, 2024

Tea for the Fever

Straight talk about accomodations

Don't miss the finale of the 2024 DEI+N Talks season as we engage in a transformative discussion taking preverbial "tea for the fever", delving deep into untraditional accommodations and treatments for Neurodiversity. Explore the nuances of providing appropriate support for diverse students, from the autistic to the anxious, sharing insights on effective non-prescription ADHD medications and specialized concerns of the community. Let's collaborate to raise awareness and pave pathways toward inclusive treatments that meet the diverse needs of Neurodiverse individuals

Past Episodes this year:

March: Break the Box: Unothering the Other | 3/23

Break the Box: Unothering the Other | 3/23

Jessica Taylor

Latina Nickelson

Eric Endlich

Knot your Type: Nexus of Neurotypes | 4/24

Azya Maxton

Kionne Abdul- Malik

Sarah Campbell

Lola Gee

UnderValued: Equity in Education | 5/25

Djémilah Hassani

Denisha Allen

Ruby Taylor

The Classist Room: Forget your Place | 6/25

Kendra Appe

Matthew Ebert

Aja Reynolds

Quake in the Culture: Change in the Learning Landscape | 7/27

Darlene Romero

Shameeka Smalling

Want to chat? Grab a spot on the Calendly or email any questions to info@ripefruitcreative.com